After years of receiving gifts of orchids from my father's Chinese customers, I finally decided to find out what this Chinese New Year thing was all about. Or at least, which year I am. Now I'd like you, my faithful readers (yes, both of you), to go here: and tell me how accurate you find your years' descriptions. Mine is eerily so. Not perfect, but pretty durned close. On all the good bits, anyway - of course the criticisms are all wrong. And of course these things are written using such ambiguous terms that each could apply to anyone with a gullible enough mind, yada yada yada, but still...
Anyhoo guess what my year symbol is? Crank those speakers, ladies, and boogie.
Hmmm...I'm a sheep...the type of woman to become a prostitute or courtesean (sp?). *snicker*
While some of it is very much like me, a good bit of it is not.
Dog. woof, and such.
I would just like to say, Talitha, that you make an excellent monkey... Or were you born in the year of the Weeble?
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