Saturday, February 11, 2006

On the Weather, Because You Care

After 489,354,716.2 days (alright, I exaggerate), it has finally ceased raining. Thank You God. The weather went out with a bang, then a little whimper (just three more days of gentle rain), and it has been sunny for THREE DAYS NOW. The bang was the storm we had last weekend, starting Friday night, knocking out power to the area (except for our lot - we have a generator, because of the greenhouses) until Sunday morning. Lightning, thunder, cloudbursts, raging winds, sizeable chunks of tree lying across the road, the whole deal. I love storms, so it was a good weekend.

Dad, despite absence of antidepressants, cracks a smile in anticipation of laying waste to fallen piece of nature, while Mom prepares to assume fetal position.

You can't photograph the wind, but you can try to capture what it's doing.

Little brother found these two barrels with !!!HYDROGEN PEROXIDE!!! WILL EAT YOUR FLESH!!! labels on them in the ditch. My first thought was (we live in Surrey, after all) OhMyGoshTheNeighboursHaveAMethLab and I was all set to call the cops on them, when Dad came along and told me we use the stuff in the greenhouses. Oopsy.


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