Sunday, July 23, 2006

Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign

CEM- ???

I still have no idea what this sign was trying to tell me.

Hungry Herbie's in Cache Creek. The locals looked at us funny when we photographed this one. I'm pretty sure it was the tallest structure in town.

Punctuation so awful that, in the rush return to my table and grab my camera, I forgot how badly I needed to go pee.

(Speaking of punctuation, I think there's something wrong with that last sentence. Oh well.)

Top half of the Truckstop Cafe, middle of nowhere on a highway between Kelowna and Kamloops. I rather like it.

Defacing Property of the Ministry of Highways

Saw this sign along a highway in the Interior while road-tripping with Sumptious D last week:
I thought, "You know, it needs a little something extra."
Good old lipstick.

Happy little dead mountain goat.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Nighttime on a Santa Paula Patio

Monday, July 03, 2006


It's been a while since the last post, and you've all been waiting so patiently, it really touches my heart. That being said, not much new here. I am spending the summer working for my dad in the greenhouses, because: 1) he pays better than the office-temp agency did; 2) my commute consists of walking across the driveway (and with current gas prices, this was a big factor); 3) free food; 4) was tired of sitting on my a## 8 hours a day, this here is hard work, and dude, I am so ripped right now; 5) he needed me - well, he needed somebody who didn't think it was okay to go smoke pot outside during work hours, run the carts into/destroy nice plants, and bitch and whine about having to lift things. I only bitch and whine outside of work hours.
So here I am, living at home, working at home, planning to move away from home right after work slows down for fall, trying not to hate my family, making student loan payments on time, and very happily visa-debt-free and working on this thing called "good credit," which the adults tell me is very important.
Anyhoo. Since I really have nothing more to tell, and when I do try to tell things I usually hate how I wrote it and/or come back and delete the post next day and/or bore all ye to the death, I have made a decision. From now on, I will post mostly photos (Oh wow, you say. So different from hte last few months. Well, this time it's intentional.) Think of them as photo essays, like the ones important journalists put in glossy magazines. Only this isn't a glossy magazine and I'll never be a journalist because my writing sucks and I'm too lazy and shy to really hunt someone down for a story.
First photo-essay coming up. Soon, for those of you holding your breath.